True-tested Directions
Johnson Heritage House Garden Suite,Vancouver,BC
( Priceless ! )
Directions below are to Johnson Heritage House, from wherever you’re hanging your hat.
True-tested Directions
Johnson Heritage House Garden Suite,Vancouver,BC
Directions below are to Johnson Heritage House, from wherever you’re hanging your hat.
Map of Vancouver, B.C.
WARNING: Unless you want to drain your annual printing budget in one stroke of the key do not hit your “Print” key just yet. If you want to print directions from your city of departure, or the Vancouver airport, without printing all the directions below, just highlight your directions only, and save them to another file name; then print them. You can also print the map after clicking on, and enlarging it.
Anyone coming from the Starship Enterprise?
If so, here’s your GPS Coordinates to land in our driveway. iced fruit mix salt reds synthetic 7 daze 30ml
N 49o 14.482 ‘ / W 123o 9.555’
Johnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave, at Vine St. in Vancouver, B.C. ph (604) 266-4175
Take Interstate I-5 north from Seattle, about two hours to the Canadian border. I-5 becomes Highway 99 when you enter Canada. (An hour more to The Johnson House B&B). Painless so far? Feeling confident eh?
Lost yet? If you can see a tall spire on your left and you are in ghastly traffic you haven’t gotten out Seattle’s clutches yet but you are pointed in the right direction. If you can hear loud mariachii music you have probably gone south a little too far and you may be in Tijuana. Viva la musica !
Highway 99 becomes Oak St. when you cross the Oak Street Bridge to enter Vancouver. Follow Oak St. to 33rd. Ave and turn left off Oak St. onto 33rd. Ave.(Do NOT use 34th. Why not? Have you ever tried backing up a steep hill, around a corner, and onto a busy street all at the same time? End of hint.)
Follow 33rd. through two traffic lights, at Granville St. and Arbutus St. (1&1/2 miles). After Arbutus turn left on Vine. It is the second street on the left near the top of the hill. Turn left on 34th Ave. and we are the second house on the right, with the large front porch. Welcome!
Directions from: Victoria to
Johnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave, at Vine St. in Vancouver, ph (604) 2664175
Follow Hwy. #17 from Victoria to Schwartz Bay (about 30 min.). Take the Tsawwassen Ferry (1&1/2 hours) to Vancouver. The ferry puts you back onto Highway #17 which you follow about 15 minutes to Hwy. 99. Go north on Hwy. # 99 which becomes Oak St. when you cross the Oak Street Bridge, entering Vancouver (about 15 minutes from # 17). Follow Oak St. to 33rd Ave. and turn left onto 33rd Ave. (Why not 34th? Have you ever tried to cross the Grand Canyon? End of hint.) Follow 33rd through two traffic lights, at Granville St. and Arbutus St. (1&1/2 miles). After Arbutus St. turn left on Vine. It is the second street on the left near the top of the hill. Turn left on 34th Ave. and voila! We are the second house on the right, the grey house with the big front porch.
Travel Hint. If the ferry you are on doesn’t say “BC Ferries” on its side in building-sized letters you are off on an interesting side trip, possibly to the U.S. somewhere or, yikes, you may be on a troop ship to the Persian Gulf. Hasta la vista amigos!
Directions from: Vancouver International Airport to
Johnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave, at Vine St. in Vancouver, B.C. ph (604) 2664175
A taxi from the airport is about $17.00 (Can.) and the travel time is 15 minutes.
Preamble – If you left these directions in your check-in luggage have fun opening your suitcase in the middle of the airport terminal . And oh yes, try not to be intimidated by the drug-sniffing dog of the Canadian Customs’ agent checking out what you are doing. He’s cute (the dog) and only doing his job. Actually, there are three black labs named Barney, Kingsay, and Speed who work for dog food at Canada Customs. If you are sniffed by a basset hound note that he works for The Canada Food Inspection Agency and he is looking for prohibited foods, plants, and wildlife, normally meat and dairy products. So gorge yourself on the plane if you have trouble giving up a few food scraps you wanted to save and if you don’t want the embarrassment of personal attention from the dogs, their masters, and the other thousand travelers standing around you. Oh yes, the promised directions.
Honest directions – Follow the only road leading from the airport over the first bridge (a mile or so) and take the first exit to the right off the bridge. Follow this exit (Granville Street) to 33rd Ave. Turn left off Granville St. onto 33rd Ave. (Do NOT use 34th or 35th Ave. People keep trying to but no one has succeeded yet. Hint – Try anyway and then tell us later how long it took for you to find the ravine park.) Follow 33rd through one traffic light, at Arbutus St. (1 mile). After Arbutus turn left on Vine. ( Now start humming the 60’s tune “when I kissed a cop down at 34th and Vine he broke my little bottle of Love Potion Number Nine”. You won’t likely see any cops but please don’t run the 34th and Vine stop-sign anyway.) Vine is the second street on the left near the top of the hill. Turn left on 34th Ave. and we are the second house on the right.
Lost yet? Didn’t cross a bridge? Maybe you are in Victoria or Seattle or , heaven forbid, Iraq. Please phone (604) 266-4175, or be techy and email us, for new directions.
Directions from: Nanaimo to
The Johnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave. at Vine St. in Vancouver, ph (604) 2664175
Catch the BC Ferries from Departure Bay, just West of Nanaimo, to Horseshoe Bay, near Vancouver, BC. Leaving the BC Ferries at Horseshoe Bay, follow the road leading from the ferry terminal, Hwy.#99 East, and then signs to downtown Vancouver. Take exit #13 to the right and go down Taylor Way, a very steep hill. Turn left onto Marine Drive at the bottom of the hill. Upon turning stay in, or get into, the right hand lane to get onto Lions’ Gate Bridge. On crossing the Lions’ Gate Bridge follow Georgia Street for about a mile to the centre of town and turn right on Burrard Street. Now follow directions below from “Downtown Vancouver”.
Confused? If you are still on the ferry boat and you are sailing among quaint and scenic little islands covered with lush greenery and lovely trees you are definitely LOST. If you come upon a seaport where it smells awfully fishy and it’s raining (all the time) I’ll bet good money you are in the fishing port of Prince Rupert. Have a nice seafood dinner and call us after dessert for new directions.
Directions from: downtown Vancouver to
ohnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave. at Vine St. in Vancouver, B.C. ph (604) 2664175
If you are confused how do you think Christopher Columbus felt when sailing to America, without internet directions or even a map. Poor fellow didn’t have so much as an address let alone the name of the continent.
Drive south (away from the mountains) on Burrard Street. Cross Burrard Street Bridge and keep to one of the left two lanes when exiting the bridge. Follow Burrard to 16th Avenue where you must turn.Turn right and go to Arbutus Street at second light. Turn left on Arbutus and go to 33rd Ave. Turn right on 33rd (not 34th unless you like backing out of dead-end streets into ferocious traffic) and go to near the top of the hill, at Vine Street. Turn left on Vine St. Turn left on 34 th. Voila! We are the second house on the right -a small sign on the lamp post. If you come to a stop sign on 33rd you have simply gone a block too far – seriously. Please park in our driveway – ours, not the neighbours.
Directions from: the Interior of BC (Hwy. #1) and all points East, including Quebec to.
ohnson Heritage House at 2278 W. 34th Ave. at Vine St. in Vancouver, B.C. ph (604) 2664175
From the Port Mann Bridge, which crosses the mighty Fraser River, continue for 10.5 miles (about 15 minutes) to Grandview Highway. Take the Grandview Hwy (Exit 28B) onto Grandview Hwy which shortly becomes 12th Ave. Follow 12th Ave. for 6 miles to Arbutus Street. Turn left on Arbutus and go to 33rd Ave. (Don’t try to enter using 34th Ave. There is a park/ravine in the way. )Turn right on 33rd and go to near the top of the hill, at Vine Street. Turn left on Vine St. Turn left on 34 th. Voila! We are the second house on the right – a small sign on the lamp post. If you come to a four-way stop sign on 33rd Avenue you simply went a block too far.
If you haven’t a clue where you are but you just went through a hellova lot of rain you probably just passed Hope, B.C. If you are now experiencing the throat-choking , eye-watering aromas of cow, horse, sheep, chicken, and pig manure you are passing through Chilliwack or Abbotsford where very big veggies grow and you have a 1 1/4 hours to go. Keep the faith. Vancouver is worth the sacrifice and it smells like a rose.
If you weren’t paying enough attention you are probably somewhere else and we may never get to meet you. Enjoy your holiday anyway. However, if you can see a tall spire that looks like a space launching tower, redirect and turn north; you’re in Seattle. That’s the space needle you see from the 1962 world’s fair that closed 43 years ago. If you and these “True-Tested” directions communicated as directed then, “Welcome to Johnson Heritage House “.
Your hosts, Sandy and Ron Johnson
Meet your houseboy!
Johnson Heritage House
Inkeepers: Sandy and Ron Johnson
Snail-mail address: 2278 West 34th Ave,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6M 1G6
Ph. / fax: (604) 266-4175
Email:[email protected]
Web site: